Where and how to get there?

The event is located in the upper town of Lausanne, Switzerland.

The nearest international airport is Geneva (GVA) – 65km. Trains (CFF / SBB) leave every 30 minutes from GVA airport to Lausanne (14.- CHF one way). From the station to the event there are public buses quite often… You could take the M2 metro and the bus N°6 (3.70 CHF one way).

Also, we have a very ‘friendly’ community that might be there to give you a ride to the dance floors or hotels on your way. So connect on our: MoveOn FaceBook

Plane Tickets can be purchased on :



Address of the Event:
Av. Boveresses 44, 1010 Lausanne, Switzerland


Getting the hotel from Booking.com or other websites like Airbnb is best. Regular prices range from 50.- to 120.- / night (CHF)

For people who are coming from far away, we will organize hosting. So be quick to ask!

We will have some of our Swiss Discofox / WCS community willing to share their home for free. Register, and we will give you more info… on
MoveOn FaceBook

If you need to rent a bike, it is possible. Prices are about 35.- CHF for a day! Here are some links :
