(Temporary) Planning


LEVEL 1: I have already done some Discofox/WCS. After reading the description of level 2, just below, I would fit better in level 1 ;-)

LEVEL 2: I’m not looking for patterns but principles and concepts.

For both dances:

LEADER: I have a very clear leading, and thus can adapt to my partner.

FOLLOWER: I have clearly understood the importance of Frame + Weight transfer + Following momentum, and thus can adapt to my partner.

CONNECTION: I know how to use distance, rotation, leverage… with relaxed arm when needed.

In Discofox:

  • If I did the Swiss Jack’n’Jill championship, I would probably go to FINAL.
  • My ‘& 3’ transfers my weight to find a connection without me thinking about it.


  • If I did Jack’n’Jill competition in an international event I would probably go to FINAL NOVICE.
  • The concepts of Rock n Go (and over rotation) are used in my dance without me thinking about them.
  • I know and use STRETCH and SETTLEMENT.
  • I regularly use ‘Ball change’ variations.

More information


MUSICALITY: Variations on basic movement, with emphasis on musicality and interpretation.

TECHNIQUE: Variations on basic movements with emphasis on technique needed to help grow… whatever level you are!!


There will be some change of levels to get balanced groups. This will be done during the first party on FRIDAY evening.


You will be given wristbands, which you have to wear during the event.

Changing partners

Discofox & West Coast Swing are social dances. And couple dances as well. That’s why, within lessons, we will regularly change partners that agree on this. Change of partners is a very good and fast way to:

– Meet with all members of workshops
– Exchange experience
– Feel and adapt to a different way of leading and following
– Be surprised that what you feel and see are different

– Understand that we all are dancers, just a little different…
– To get some universal skills and abilities
– Pulling all groups to the highest possible level
– For sure it is a plus for social parties

Of course, if you come with your partner, it will be even better, since, after the lessons, you will be able to train, and compare what felt better or worse compared to others… so we advise all of you to “change partners”!

It’s show and party time!

We are going to have parties every day until 02:00!

There is an amazing teacher show on Saturday night which you don’t want to miss!

Party is …
… the best time to share all your opinions and knowledge, to share your emotions
…. to have fun and enjoy the moment
… also a perfect possibility to try what you just learned and put it inside your body…
… to dance with the teachers… YES, we do care about inviting pros who enjoy social dances with students!!!
… and finally, the party is the perfect time to socialize and make new friends.
That’s how we will build our dance community. Make your part with us!
And save us a dance!